Team Deposit
Team Deposit
Our Price: $250.00

Product Code: DEP-018

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Day Team Plays

Our night leagues are FULL. If you are interested in getting onto the wait list, please submit a $250 deposit for the desired division. If your team is accepted, your deposit will be applied to the team fee. The team may request a refund of the deposit as long as the team has not already been assigned to the requested division.

  • Monday: Coed, Glendale Sports Complex, Glendale
  • Tuesday: Coed, Robinson Park, Pasadena
  • Wednesday: Men's Over 30, Robinson Park, Pasadena
  • Thursday: Men Over 35, Arcadia High School, Arcadia
  • Thursday: Men's Over 40, Arcadia High School, Arcadia
  • Friday: Coed, Glendale Sports Complex, Glendale
  • Friday: Men, Glendale Sports Complex, Glendale
  • Saturday: Women's or Men's, Encanto Park, Duarte
  • Sunday: Women's, Co-ed, or Men's, Pasadena